Växa tillsammans, skapande verkstad med målgruppen
2016 -2017 Royal Institute of Fine Art Stockholm, BFA
2014 -2016 Academy of Fine Art Trondheim, Norway, BFA
2013 -2014 Ecole d´Art de Mont Cotton, Bagnol sur Ceze, France
2024 Solid Affärscoaching AB
2012 -2013 Gerlesborgsskolan, Stockholm, Sverige
2008- 2008 Mittuniversitetet Östersund, Project Management
2005 -2008 Uppsala universitet, Personal, arbetsliv och organisation med fördjupning företagsekonomi, magisterexamen
Selected Exhibitions
2021 "M-E-N-I-N-G", Söderströmsgården, Ekerö kommun
2020 "Open Window", Installation with bark, silk and sound, Södermalm Stockholm
2018 "The details gives the Novel some Verisimilitude - Ingen äger tiden?, Workshop and co-creation on proximity and inclusion, Örebro Läns Museum/Kyrkans Hus
2018 "Ingen äger tiden", Örebro Läns Museum, Installation with historical wolf spears and sound
2018 "Trümmerfrau", Help Performer to Liv Kristin Holmberg, Scala Teatern, Stockholm
2017 "The Promise: Feet in the Sands of Time", Index Foundation of Contemporary Art, Stockholm
2017 "Intermezzo III", Galleri Mejan, Stockholm
2017 "Intermezzo I o II", Tomteboda Postterminal, KKH Springexhibition, Stockholm
2017 "Knock Knock smog wand", Galleri KiT, Trondheim
2017 "The Details gives the Novel some Verisimilitude", Rundgång, Sculptures in Cluster, Mellanrummet Royal Institute of Fine Art, Stockholm
2017 "Discomfort", Fylkingen, Stockholm
2016 "Echo", Soundscape, Audiorama, Stockholm
2016 "Moving Art Project", Installations with object and sound, art-tour Sweden
2016 "Please Enter", Galleri KiT, Trondheim
2016 "Snailmail for artists", Boston, USA
2015 "An Approach to Self through an Other", Galleri KiT, Trondheim
2015 "When we meet in Lorås", Café Lorås, Jämtland
2015 "Kärlek", Härjedalen Pride, Sveg
2015 "Transformable (Body) Wear", Galleri KiT, Trondheim
2014 "Delay", (in association with Mary Sherman og Florian Grond), Galleri KiT, Trondheim
2014 "Royal Intersectionality, Kunsthalle Bern, Switzerland
2014 "Collaborative Endeavour", Galleri KiT, Trondheim
2014 "Produire pour la produit", Festival Video l´Interactive, Valbonne, France
2014 "Children of Modern Times", Casablanca Video Festival, Marocco
2014 "Danse pour la vie", Cave Mallet, Bagnol sur Cèze
2013 "Transparens", Curera Medical Center, Hornstull, Stockholm
2013 "Abstract Interaction", Askersunds Konsthall
Research projects
2016 - undefined To orchestrate an infinity of details
2020 The desert house recidency
2017 From Science to Art (and Back), Stockholm
2016 TransCultural Exchange´s International Conference on Opportunities in the Arts: Expanding Worlds, Boston USA
2013 FID 28th International Filmfestival Marseille, France
Selected Workshops/Assignements
2022-2025 Referensgruppen för ateljé och studiostöd, kulturstrategiska enheten, kulturförvaltningen, Stockholm stad
2022-2024 Verksamhetskonsult, Utveckling av Frisam (friskfaktorer integrerade i systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete), Kulturtransformation, Ledningsstöd, Tillsammanskap, Suntarbetsliv, Ljusdals kommun
2022-2024 Styrelseledamot, Ordförande, Konstnärernas riksorganisation Stockholms län
2022 Verksamhetskonsult, hr-enheten, kulturförvaltningen, Stockholm stad
2022 Gästlärare Projekt- och produktionsledning i kulturskola, 7,5 hp, Stockholms Musikpedagogiska Institut (SMI)
2022 Gästlärare Socialpedagogik och inkludering, 15 hp, Stockholms Musikpedagogiska Institut (SMI)
2021 Att lära av varandra, med varandra, för varandra - En inkluderande Kulturskola för alla. Forskningsstudie i dialog med Kulturrådet, Kulturskolerådet, Kulturskolan och SMI.
2021 Utvärdering av inkluderingsinsatser inom ramen för Kultur för Alla, Utvecklingseneheten, Kulturförvaltningen, Stockholm stad.
2021 M-E-N-I.N-G, konstnärligt utvecklingsprojekt, Söderströmsgården, Ekerö kommun
2021 Styreslesuppleant, Konsntärernas riksorganisation Stockholm
2020-2021 Valberedningen, Konsntärernas riksorganisation Stockholm
2020 Workshop målgruppen äldre
2020 Fullmäktige, Konstnärernas Riksorganisation
2019 Workshop målgruppen funktionsvariation
2019 Workshop målgruppen nyanlända
2018 Workshop: Läkande berättelser, Brantingsgatan, Stockholm
2018 Workshop: Ingen äger tiden?, Kyrkans hus & Örebro Läns Museum
2018 Communication of webbsystem, Konstpool, Stockholm www.konstpool.se
2017 Workshop: Create and reflect, Brantingsgatan, Stockholm
2017 Workshop: Feet in the Sands of Time, Index Foundation of Contemporary Art/Södermalmstorg, http://indexfoundation.se/talks-and-events/the-roaming-institute-session-2
2017 Magasin III, Host, Stockholm, https://www.magasin3.com
2016 Guide and student representative in Admission Committee, Academy of Fine Art NTNU, Trondheim
2016 Moving Art Project, installation and de-installation at Lat.23 Art Arena, Östersund, https://www.movingartproject.se
2016 Workshop: "An Approach to Self through An Other", Galleri KiT, Trondheim
2015-16 Board Member, Galleri KiT, Trondheim, http://gallerikit.com
2015-16 RAKE Visningsrom, Host, http://rake.trondheim.no/visningsrom/
2014 Workshop: "Self-realization", Conservatory of Dance and Music, Bagnols sur Ceze, France
2013 Workshop: "SelfLeadership", Hälsans Hus, Stockholm, http://selfleaders.com
2011 Workshop: Frigörande möten Kenya Stockholm, http://selfleaders.com
2008 -2022 Hållbarhetsutvecklare, HR-konsult och pedagog (Bygg, Industri, Teknikföretagen, Bemanning, Kulturförvaltning, Idéburen, Ideell, Utbildning, Tillverkande)
2021 Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation
2020 Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation
2019 Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation
2017 Konstakademien Stockholm
2017 Royal Institute of Fine Art Stockholm
2016 Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation
2016 Trans Cultural Exchange´s 2016
2014 Karin Engelfeldths Memorial Fund
2014 Gerlesborgsskolan Sthlm
Selected Courses
2020-2021 Fördjupningsstudier Social pedagogy, diversity and inclusion, Stockholms Musikpedagogiska institut, Centrum för Lärande och Utveckling, Hudiksvall.
The spiritual questions of Socialism, Royal Institute of Fine Art Stockholm: The course focuses on possible expressions and existential dimensions in the public space. During the course, visits to community facilities such as maternity leave, treatment rooms, rescue rooms, prisons, retirement homes, day centers, etc, are completed and presentation of artistic proposals developed to be presented on Kulturförvaltningen and / or Kulturfrämjandet.
Modern Legacies and Construction of Whiteness, Royal Institute of Fine Art Stockholm: Art and curatorial practices, human sciences, theory and activism, are brought into a single pedagogical structure to engage critically with modernism and whiteness. Segregation, race, capital, editing disorders, nervousness, experience of migration and adoption. What do these issues have to do with the symbolic, and yet highly powerful, sphere of representation of what we call art? This interdiciplinary course is designed for practioners within the fields of fine arts, design, curatorship, architecture, journalism, cultur studies, humanities, social and political science who are intereste in global peripheral modernism, race, whiteness, race, social engineering, adoption, migration, orientalism, activism, parade, masquerade and institutional critique.
2016 Neuroplastique / Soundscapes, Royal Institute of Fine Art Stockholm: A course focusing on exploring and experimenting with, the biological neurophysiological phenomen behind sound and space perception and composition, as well as the power of sound to affect state of mind and space perception.
2016 Sound Art and Installations at the Music Technology Study Program Trondheim: The course covers a wide range of topics both theoretically and practically including electronics, sensors and micro controllers, sound spatialization and composition, acoustic ecology and listening, sound theory and history, and project planning for public art.
2014. Departement of Art and Media studies NTNU: Filmstudies
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